10 Ways To Have a Sexier Body Now

Depending what or how deep your goals go for yourself, there are ways to quickly look sexier now, and then there are the goals that you are going to have to put in the correct learning and effort to achieve.

Being a fitness model and a certified personal trainer, I can tell you some ways that will help you get started having a sexier body more quickly then others. This isn’t meant to be a loop hole or short cut, but if it can help you lead to bigger goals, so be it.

Here are 10 ways to look sexier a little more quickly for yourself now

1.Make it a point to reduce carbs and sugars more than you do now. Any cuts in those two will make you look and feel better quickly.

2.Drink more water daily. For a boost in calorie burning and weight loss, drink a gallon of water every single day. Try It for a week or two.

3.Fast walk for an hour 5 days a week. This will get you in the habit of that feel good feeling you get from exercise. You can move up to other exercise once you get that hook of the good mood from a daily walk.

4.Eat a lot of raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Whether it be in a smoothie, or by thenselves, berries are super foods for how you look and feel. You’ll look younger and burn more fat eating berries consistently.

5.Get some sun. Vitamin D for men will boost testosterone a bit and bring up your mood for better, more motivated workouts and a more lean looking you.

6.Change your routine. If you usually lift with machines, switch to dumbbells and if you usually do 15 reps, do 4 sets of 10 reps instead. Challenge yourself as much as you can.


Ghost peppers are hot lol jk

7.Eat more spices and peppers. This will help your metabolism stay higher which equals more calorie and fat burning throughout the day.

8. Do 3 sets of 20 of any ab exercise after every other cardio or walking session. It adds up and only takes 10 minutes.

9. Buy protein shots in a case and have one a day. Increasing your protein intake by 20-50 grams a day will boost your metabolism and make your muscles stronger, motivating you to train harder or more often. Only takes a sec to take a protein shot.

10.Supplement with a multivitamin everyday. Will increase anything you do daily and adds up over the course of of a year.

Try these 10 simple changes you can make starting today and you will look sexier and feel better.

More so, it will get you investing in yourself and motivate you to start to tackle bigger goals one step at a time.

Fitness model for Bare Fit Sweat Proof T-Shirts.

Chuck Strogish, @chuckstrogish twitter.

10 ways to look sexier now

Top 3 Fitness Tips-Fact or Fiction by Fitness Model Chuck Strogish

Top 3 Fitness Tips-Fact or Fiction by Fitness Model Chuck Strogish

Between reading  from a fitness magazine here and there, ads from supplement stores and online, and fitness blogs, it’s pretty easy to fall into pit falls of information that is just flat out untrue.

The benefit of reading the Bare Fit blog is that you are getting first hand information from someone who is a master level certified personal trainer, and long time professional fitness model. I worked and prepped my body to do over 5 different underwear companies and was  one of them only male models that is not a pro sports player to be on the cover of Under Armours home page for a big promotion.

Fitness model Chuck Strogish, the Bare Fit Sweat Proof Gym Shirt available now. Click pic to buy.

Fitness model Chuck Strogish, the Bare Fit Sweat Proof Gym Shirt available now. Click pic to buy.

Without knowing what to do to my body, I would fall into the same pitfalls, but for me, it would cost me a job so I can’t let that happen. And i don’t want to let that happen to you either. Learn how to avoid 3 of the big ones here now with me. Here are the top 3 fitness tips that either fact or fiction by me, fitness model Chuck Strogish.

Number 1 Fitness Tip

Doing ab crunches or ab machines for your ab workouts will burn belly fat

Unfortunately, even though we have alot of control over manipulating our bodies, we are unable to target one specific area to burn fat on. You can either burn fat, or not burn fat. Be in fat burning mode, or not be in fat burning mode. Everyone is different into where they hold more fat. Some hold more fat in their legs then belly, and vice versa.

Either way, to melt belly fat, you need to combine(fat burning cardio,raise metabolism,cut calories) to be in that mode.

Simply doing ab crunches or ab workouts alone will strengthen your core and make your abs look better when you do remove enough belly fat, but to remove belly fat, you need to remove fat in general first.



Fitness Tip 2

If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough

Sweating is a great way to show that you are hydrated and your body is cooling itself off. But to judge on whether or not you are working hard enough, it is not a good way to go based on that. You can burn alot of calories and burn fat, and build lean muscle without sweating much.

Sometimes bodybuilders and fitness models will take a light week, which includes walking and light exertion weight lifting and not breaking much sweat at all, but it still is highly effective at reaching results as long as you do it right.


Fitness Tip 3

Cardio will boost your metabolism for hours after you finish working out.

Even though your metabolism will slightly be higher after your workout for hours, it is not much at all or statistically worth it to take into consideration.

With weight training however, your metabolism will be very high for hours after your workout, even though with cardio, you are burning more at the time being during the cardio session.

Look at it this way…cardio(walking,running,jogging,etc) is short term for high calorie burning now. Say you burn 600 calories in an hour doing cardio. But only 20 calories throughout the day after from a raised metabolism. So you have 620 total. Then weight training, the calories burned during that hour is lower, say 350, but you end up on average with 100 calories burned more with weight training. Plus, any muscle you build also equals a higher metabolism because more muscle means more calorie burning. Weight lifting is also like saving your money for the ling run as well.

Your best bet is to weight train 3-5 times a week, and do a cardio session after each weight training session to get the benefits of both. Remember to rest properly of course for recovery and reap the benefits.


Chuck Strogish fitness blog

The Sweat Proof Gym Shirt by Bare Fit

Top 3 Fitness Tips-Fact or Fiction by Fitness Model Chuck Strogish


T shirts That Are Sweat Proof And Tested By Fitness Model Chuck Strogish

Hey guys, Chuck Strogish here. I’m writing a blog post today to let you know about t shirts that are sweat proof and stain resistant that I tested for Bare Fit before I decided to endorse them.

I learned alot from starting as a master level personal trainer, then to living in New York City as a fitness model working for lots of brands I always would wear anyway. Then to writing a fitness blog that helped alot of people around the world.

I decided to endorse Bare Fit’s sweat proof t shirts after using them for 14 workouts straight. I modeled for Under Armour clothes over 50 times and love the clothes, but never had a shirt that actually was so practical and good at what it does.

I worked out, and I mean hard, like usual for 14 days straight with the shirt. And it’s amazing how it just stays dry no matter what. You can literally see the pellets of sweat just beading up like a waxed car does and sliding right off the t shirt like it never happened.

Another thing I loved about the t shirt, is that if I leave it in my gym bag, it doesn’t smell bad and stays much like a new shirt to be worn again. Usually,  if I forget to bring a shirt to wear, I would have to just take one for the team and wear the smelly, sweat drenched t shirts that are laying around inside my gym bag.

And it drives me nuts…

I was excited to grab a t shirt that holds up through sweat filled workouts and bails me out if I forgot to bring my gym clothes with me to workout. You can have one less worry day to day at the gym, and concentrate on reaching all the goals you have for your body.

Most of the posts on here are fitness articles, workout routines, diet plans that work, and different fitness tips for you to use and save alot of time.

Skip trial and error and read advice that you can have peace of mind that it will work because it was needed to work for me as a professional fitness model. I use or have used the fitness info to get, keep and do well in fitness modeling jobs for well known companies and I love to help as many people as possible be more sharp in getting to their goals much faster.

Even though the fitness articles are completely free for you to use, once in a while, I will post an article about the sweat proof t shirts available so that everyone can have the chance to benefit from using it to workout in.

The Difference Is In the Secret Ingredients;

  • Each Bare Fit Sweat Proof T-shirt is individually treated by hand. the same ingredients used to protect high end cars carpeting and upholstery are used to create a high end and protected t shirt designed for nothing else but to last through challenging workouts, cardio sessions, and let you stay completely dry at all times.
  • The design of our shirts make it so men and women can wear them. They are intentionally simple, subtle, high quality, and the small logo is all you need to show that you are protected by a serious  sweat shield.  Like the logo of a Porsche shows quality, performance, and only available to those that want something special, the Bare Fit T shirts aim to be the same compared to all other workout apparel.
  • Usually for a fitness model, you put on a shirt or pants, and they use you based on your looks and how you fit their advertising.
  • With Bare Fit, they made sure the shirt is able to handle any workout someone can throw at them, so they decided to use a fitness model like me(Chuck Strogish) who tests it to make sure you are getting beyond quality and a shirt that will exceed your expectations.

Instead of Donating, Buy the Bare Fit T Shirt Today.

1 Sweat Proof Shirt is $49.99, but 2 is only $79, and if you buy 3 for family or friends, it is only $99 at $33 a shirt.

Stay tuned for daily fitness articles totally free to supercharge your diet, workout routines, supplement knowledge and crush your fitness goals much faster than before.

Chuck Strogish

Fitness Model for Bare Fit Sweat Proof T Shirts