Lose 5-30 Pounds In 5 Days By Cutting Water

Knowing how to cut water weight properly is probably one of the best tricks anyone can know. No, it won’t make you permanently lose that much weight, it won’t even feel good doing it until you re-nourish after you target day of event.

Whether it be a wedding, a class reunion, photoshoot, a hot and sexy date you have coming up, or just because you want to see if this works, it is a great way to look the best you can for that day. For whatever the reason, it works everytime. I do it for photo shoots and it works everytime. My friend needed to lose it on a bet, he lost 20 lbs in 5 days just by following this simply outline.

The only catch is(even though easy to follow), is you can’t miss a step, or a day. It’s only 5 days, but you gotta’ follow it completely for it to work great.

So here is an effective way of cutting water and to lose 5-30 pounds in 5 days by cutting water weight.

From day 5 up to the day before the big day, keep carb intake to 25 grams total for the day and avoid all sugars and salt, do 60 straight minutes of fast walking cardio every day outside or on treadmill.

5 days out from the big day- Drink 2 gallons of water.

4 days out from the big day-Drink 1 gallon of water.

3 days out-Drink 1 gallon of water.

2 days out-Drink half gallon of water(64 ounces)

1 day out-Drink quarter gallon of water(32 ounces)(Drink all of it before 8 p.m. Stop all water intake 8 p.m and after the event is over the next day.

Day of event-No water intake or carbs or salt until right after the event. Then immediately after, eat whatever you are hungry for to re nourish yourself of fluid, carbs, and salts.

The whole goal is to build up a big water supply leading up to the target day, so that when water intake is shut off, your body will enter detox mode to flush out all the water. Along with that, all your water weight you carry normally will flush out too causing a dramatic weight loss effect of water weight.

You will not feel your best the day of the event from being low on carbs(energy), and salts(sodium). But you will look your best. Just don’t forget to re nourish right after you’re done! If you feel dizzy, eat half a salted rice cake with a little bit of jelly on it.

Fighters do programs like this to make weight, thus them looking extra lean and ripped during weigh ins, but during the fight the next day, they look much heavier to fight from re nourishing and hydrating up after the weigh ins.

Use this little trick to cut water weight and lose 5-20 pounds in 5 days.

Chuck Ryan Strogish

Fitness Model

Bare Fit

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