Stop Not Seeing Results Working Out In The Gym

Did you know that after 10 years of seriously working out in the gym, I have found the one word that will change everything for you.

Most of these are important and some can be illegal, but it’s not any of these listed;

  • Diet
  • CrossFit
  • Steroids
  • Cardio
  • Starving
  • Supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

It is NONE of the above, but it is one word and if you do it correctly, you will see a 180 degree turn in results quickly.

Yet most people fuck this one tip up in the gym while working out daily.

4 time Mr. Olympia Phil Heath does it correctly. And he is the biggest, most successful bodybuilder on the planet. But why don’t people follow his lead?

I see it all the time, people make this mistake and the way to fix it is to not just read this, but learn how to do it.


Form is the key to your success with your body.

That doesn’t mean to just try to slow up your workouts or do it textbook.

It means that you need to do each exercise differently, and the goal is to focus the exercise on the muscle you are trying to hit with your mind.

When you do chest presses, are you REALLYYYYY doing your chest? Or are you pushing it with alot of shoulderss,back,triceps,and grip strength?

Next time you do your workout, try to connect your mind to the exercise and feel it in that muscle. Do a few reps different ways until you feel it in that muscle working the most, then repeat that rep until you exhaust. Pick a weight that allows you to get 10 reps or maybe even 11 max for 3-5 sets.

You may need to reduce the weight you use to get to that ideal form, it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you use the most weight that you can handle in the correct form.

Reps don’t mean to repeat what is wrong over and over like so many do.

The warm up is to find your target form, and then any repetitions you do correctly is really a rep. A rep that will lead you to quick success that is. Or you can keep doing the same thing that doesn’t work, but this is here to help you.

Try it and use it, it is one of the best things I have ever done since I started working out. My legs are built better than before and I don’t even squat or deadlift anymore. I know how to use the leg press machine and lunges in the right form now and I kill my workouts with less weight but way better form.

Give it a shot, it works 100% if you make it a priority to find the right form for yourself.

Chuck Strogish

Master trainer certified,professional fitness model

Effective Training Splits To Maximize Results Trying To Burn Fat

Here are a couple effective training splits for you to maximize your results when trying to burn fat.

Whether it be for an event, or change of season,people want to shed some fat and get leaner for alot of different reasons.

The good news is, these work regardless. The bad news is, well, if you never implement the info into your life right, nothing will change.

This fitness article is for those who are not only going to read this, but get off their asses and do something about it.

Instead of trying alot of different crap on the internet, might as well cut out the guessing game and just use what works. This works. It will ensure proper training and rest/recovery.

Training Split A plus jumping rope for 20 minutes after each workout is complete.

Monday-Chest or shoulders,Triceps


Wed-Legs, Traps,Calves

Thurs-Shoulders or Chest,Triceps,Abs/Obliques

Fri-60 mins cardio

Sat-Off or 60 Mins Cardio


Training Split B. Plus 20 minutes of fast pace elliptical,treadmill,bicycle. Or fast walking if you can’t run or jog yet.

Monday-Chest AND Shoulders,Traps



Thursday-Arms(biceps and triceps),abs/obliques

Friday-60 mins cardio


Sunday-Off or Repeat Monday and repeat week depending on how your body feels if it needs the extra rest day or not.

After you do each workout and cardio, it is crucial now that you take in protein,carbs,fats,and sugars. This is the only time of the day sugars will benefit you, and also carbs and fats is more important now than anytime as well.

You can buy expensive protein supplements or spending the time to cook some kind of meal, but the truth is the average person eventually will say screw this if too time consuming. Which is fine because I understand if you’re not competing or needing to be that strict, then you don’t have to.

The cheap and easy way to do this above to always have

1.Low fat chocolate milk near you or close by.

2.Cartons of liquid egg whites also.

Now although most people are split 50/50 on whether to drink egg whites raw, I put a cup of egg whites in the glass, then fill up at least a cup of low fat chocolate milk(more if you prefer).

I microwave it for 20-30 seconds. I do this only because I feel it works well and cooking the egg white liquid enough not to be raw and digest all of the protein instead of supposedly only have of it by drinking it raw.

Some people drink egg whites raw for a long time and love it. Some people say drinking it raw won’t allow you to absorb half of the protein.

So I meet the debate in the middle and microwave the cup of chocolate milk and egg whites just enough to technically not be eating it raw, but not enough to have chunks of cooked eggs in the chocolate milk.

It is the best,cheapest, and quickest way to make an instant high protein shake and get all of what you need to make your workouts reach results alot faster.

This are secret that pro’s use and now that you know how to start burning fat faster, you know the rest of your results will come on what you do before the workout and after your chocolate egg white shake.  This will at least give you a great system to start in, if you do exactly what it says above.

People will ask how many reps to do and sets on the training split.

Warm up a set for each new body part with a light set that don’t count. Than do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

When I say 8-12 reps I mean, go for 10, if you accidentally put on too much weight and get 8, or not enough and get 12, you’re still in the best range.

This rep range will assure you are challenging yourself to build muscle, and more muscle means more metabolism and fat burning. Then it comes down to recovery and nutrition. The training split allows you to recover good and the after workout shake made above will assure you get everything you need.

Add in a cleaner nutrition program before and after your workouts, and the results will come even faster depending on how clean you get and how you use carbs in your daily routine.

Chuck Strogish

Master certified fitness trainer and fitness model


Quick,Fat Burning Fitness Meals That Make Your Body Change Almost Before Your Eyes

Here are some quick fat burning fitness meals that will make your body change almost before your eyes.

No but seriously, watch your body change for the better in days and weeks instead of months and years just by adding in some foods that will do that for you.

I’m not talking about dieting or any hype crap you see online, I’m talking about simple foods that actually do work and do make you burn fat faster. Why slave away in the gym month after month just to look a tiny tad bit different than you did to begin with?

That means you aren’t doing the right things to get results. You should be noticing changes in days and weeks doing this.

What you need for the week;

  • Jasmine rice(you can make it in bulk in a rice steamer or you can buy it packets that you can just microwave it. Brown rice is also fine. I just prefer the taste of jasmine better….they both work. This is your main carb.
  • containers of pasteurized egg whites. This is meant to be fast as heck to make, you can put the egg white liquid into 1 cup measuring cup and microwave your eggs.
  • Then once you heat up the rice and your eggs, mix them together.
  • Buy Bragg’s Liquid Amino Soy Sauce. This is a fitness soy sauce with aminos in it good for supporting your muscle progress in the gym. Add this to the rice and eggs for flavoring along with whatever else like hot sauce, pepper,cilantro, etc.
  • Make a couple meals at once and keep them in the cooler covered with plastic wrap so you have them ready to microwave when needed.
  • Also, you can mix in a can of tuna with each meal if you want extra protein and you don’t mind tuna. Omega 3’s will help burn fat and ease your joints when you are training.

Now doing this does a few things;

  • It fills a gap in your eating to get you on a better path for faster results.
  • This isn’t all you are going to eat, it can replace any meal you want but you will be eating other meals of other foods during the day.
  • This will make you choose better choices before and after these meals so you arent doing it all for nothing.
  • If you get back from the gym, you can always eat this super clean meal and then when dinner comes along, you will make better food choices. It creates discipline, and you can build upon it from here.

You will notice your body change just by doing this. Obviously, the more you clean up your eating habits before and after these meals you eat, and the way you train and rest will tell how crazy of results you get.

But the point of this is for you to try it and prove to yourself how important correct eating effects results.

I can eat pizza and junk for a few weeks and still do my usual 4-5 days of weight training and 20 minutes of jump rope or exercise bike after, and look like i workout, but not as dry and lean and the abs start to vanish a little bit.

But then I switch over to eating this meal, along with better food choices during the day, and bam, veins and abs start showing, and more muscle definition all over the place start coming out. It is like magic.

This is one fitness tip for you to follow to improve your self image and body for the better. One that actually works great and is quick and easy, just takes a few bucks a week to buy them and then a few minutes to make theme each time.

Chuck Strogish

Fitness Model and Master Certified Personal Trainer