Sweat Proof T Shirts On Sale Starting Now

Our sweat proof T shirts by Bare Fit are on sale for spring and at a great price for you to get the t-shirt custom made for the gym.

Endorsed by C-in2 underwear and Under Armour model, Chuck Strogish, the Bare Fit Sweat Proof T Shirt is designed specifically to keep you fresh through long workouts and cardio sessions.


Each high quality T-shirt is custom made for you and takes 48 hours to treat each shirt.

The same product used to stain proof high end vehicles interiors are used to protect you from looking nasty and sweaty in the gym. Also, they prevent your shirt from hosting odors and saves you time with less washes. Perfect to keep in your gym bag longer than any regular T-shirt can handle.

Instead of $49.99, pay only $29.99. Order them by emailing our contact page to get your sizes.

The Bare Fit Sweat Proof T Shirt is a 1 out of 1 shirt, like no other. It won’t make you get results faster, or workout harder, but it will make you look damn good while doing it.

Watch the sweat just run off your shirt like a waxed car, and keep you looking like your in such good shape, hard workouts don’t even make you sweat.

Email now to get your discount and we can begin treating your Bare Fit Sweat Proof T Shirts to be shipped to your door and ready for your next jog or workout.

Bare Fit Blog

Fitness articles by master trainer and fitness model, Chuck Strogish. View Chuck on C-in2.com

or follow @chuckstrogish on twitter

for the most effective and practical fitness tips to get you proud of your body again faster.

Diet Pills That Actually Work and Are Safe To Use

Using supplements like diet pills, fat burners, pump boosters, energy pills and much more can either be an effective and safe way for you to reach a goal faster and easier, or it can be an easy way to waste your money or do harm to yourself.

By reading this article, as a fitness model, I have used quite a few of them all and can let you in on what is worth the money and what is a waste of money and time.

Without using diet pills and supplements, you can still reach your goals just as fast IF you have a really organized and on point nutrition routine and workout each week like you mean it.

The problem is….

Diet Pills That Actually Work and Are Safe To Use

Diet Pills That Actually Work and Are Safe To Use

Most don’t. With day to day activities of work, family, duties, dogs,kids,hobbies and whatever else you can name, it is difficult to eat perfectly clean all the time and get a challenging workout in consistently to reach your goal.

Most people don’t get to benefit from being able to workout professionally or have people making and guiding each meal they eat on a daily basis.

That’s where supplements and them diet pills come in.

Although it is more effective to eat as clean as you can and workout right consistently, it is better to make up for it a bit in a safe and healthy way to benefit as much as you can during your busy as hell daily lifestyle.

Here are 10 supplements that are effective at what they do, are cheap for the most part, and aren’t all necessarily diet pills, but they do the same thing.

1.Green Tea Extract

  • Probably one of the most effective and safest diet pills out there. Taking a couple green tea extract pills an hour before your workout routine will simply make you accomplish more in the same amount of time as not taking it. You will burn more calories and fat, which over the course of 100 workouts, will be a HUGE difference.


  • Take 15-30 mg of zinc daily to keep your immune system working at it’s best and let you tackle more workouts without getting a cold or sick. Also a good way for men to maintain their testosterone levels for more strength, better workouts, and more lean muscle building.

3.Vitamin D

  • Taking 1,000-5,000 mg of Vitamin D daily is effective as any diet pill out there because without adequate levels of this super vitamin, you will be in quick sand in your workouts and aim to reach your goal. It’s a must to take when on a workout program, period.

4.Amino Acids

  • Amino acids are like a super diet pill for any male or female involved with workout out. It works so good, you have to use it to see. It puts your body in results mode and an environment to improve on every workout you do. They are found in lean protein sources and foods like spinach. But you need to consume these before and right after your workout. So having those food sources available at all times is tough to do. So the best way to tackle it is taking a “diet pill” form supplement of it.
  • A great one I use because it works so well at cutting fat and keeping lean muscle is Amino Fuel Liquid by TwinLab. You can take a sip out of the bottle before and after workouts and all done in seconds. Just keep it in your gym bag ready to be in results mode at all times.


  • Melatonin allows you to sleep well when taken every night before bed. It resets your clock so that you get rest on time and wake up early feeling fresh. It has alot of studied benefits and completely safe. Take 1-10 mcg before bed. Usually 3 5 or 10 works great.


  • Magnesium is something so important that most people are low in, especially if you workout. The more you workout, the less you have spare in your body to use. Take magnesium before bed with zinc together for max benefits. Take anywhere from 250-500 mg to be effective. If you take too much, you will have the runs letting you know to drop the dose a bit.

7.Fish oil

  • Fish oil is another super diet pill. The natural oils found in fresh fish are megs nutrients and promote fat loss, weight loss, reduces inflammation and is extremely good for your brain and joints.
  • Taking fish oils is necessary for anyone training with joint problems or anyone over 30 who want to preserve their joints later on. It lubricates your joints allowing for more free movement with chance of injury. It’s like keeping your cars oil changed on time. Your gas mileage improves and the car runs and functions much smoother.

8.Vitamin C

  • Only take Vitamin C in doses of 1,000 mg at a time a couple to few times a day. Even once a day is fine. You can only absorb that much at a time studies say, or else you will be wasting your money taking more.
  • Vitamin C will keep the free radicals you get from working out to a minimum allowing you to get faster and better results. A penny saved is a penny earned, right. But in this case, it’s worth more than a penny taking Vitamic C if you’re workout bound every week.

9.L Arginine

  • Always take L Arginine from 1 to 5 grams before you workout. This allows you to get the benefits of allowing more nutrients to flood inside your muscles to make each workout more effective. Plus the added benefits for males or females is, it will make you look much better during your wourkout for added motivation! Instant results to push you to the next workout.


  • Caffeine speeds up your metabolism. The problem is people put too much sugar or creamer in their coffee eliminating the benefits. Take caffeine spread out to use earlier in the day or before workouts to boost calorie and fat burning.
  • many pre workout supplements have caffeine in them to do this, just avoid high amounts too much or else you will get a receptor burn out. Had that happen before and caffeine won’t matter much until you cut it out for a week or so to allow them to be receptive to caffeine to be beneficial again.

All of these 10 diet pills so to speak are proven effective and will help you a great deal. Now you know how much to take, what to take, and when to take it. By themselves with a bad diet plan and not much working out, they will still keep you healthier and having more energy.

But combine them with some clean eating and some challenging workouts, and you have some serious increased results. Which means results reached at a higher level then you thought they would, and at a faster rate than you thought.

This article is meant as opinion from a fitness model and personal trainer, and not meant to diagnose or treat any conditions.

By Fitness Model Chuck Strogish, @ChuckStrogish on Twitter for more fitness tips.

Buy a Bare Fit Sweat Proof Gym T Shirt, It will Keep You Dry During Workouts. I never workout without wearing one.

Diet Pills That Actually Work and Are Safe To Use

Fast shipping and high quality supplements mentioned above

Fast shipping and high quality supplements mentioned above

High Fiber Foods-Fitness Models Eat Them and Why You Should Too

Fitness models need to use all avenues to keep the body they  want. After all, that’s how we got there in the first place. Eating high fiber foods isn’t the most “exciting” stuff to read or even write about, trust me. But if you don’t care about boring and want faster results and a leaner body, read on.

  • Fiber is one of those important avenues to use in your arsenal for the goal of this blog, to look your best in the most efficient way possible. That means reaching goal after goal faster than ever.

Eating high fiber foods has a bunch of benefits for anyone, fitness models, regular gym goers, diabetics, kids,pro athletes, anyone.  There are a bunch of benefits like I said but here are a few to remember why you should eat the high fiber foods. I will tell you after what some of them are to start eating today and when the best times are.

Benefits of Eating High Fiber Foods:

  • They “clean” you out, and that leads to a harder, more, lean look. Hell, some people have up to 20 lbs of intestinal waste in them that can be removed for 20 lbs of weight loss. But in general, you will noticeably be leaner when working out and eating clean by eating high fiber foods day to day.
  • How much? A safe bet is to eat up to 35 grams a day. I would aim anywhere from 15 to 40 grams and somewhere in between. Just get it in! 😉
  • For men, the king of results is testosterone and the enemy is estrogen. To keep testosterone high, and estrogen low, yep, you need to eat foods high in fiber.
  • Fiber slows down the digestion process so remember to eat them anytime during the day except right after a weight training workout. You want the nutrients to digest fat then, but any other time, you want it slow so remember that tip.
  • Fitness models and bodybuilders use these foods high in fiber all the time to get extra dry and lean looking for a shoot or competition. If they do it, you should too because it has to work. It is proven to work and zero risk.

List of High Fiber Foods:

Rasberries, one of the best high fiber foods out there to get lean

Rasberries, one of the best high fiber foods out there to get lean

Ok, so there are many foods on this list. I will just give you 3 for each category so that you can focus on adding these to your diet. Some foods are high in fiber, but they could also be high in sugar too or carbs. I just will put foods that most people enjoy, but need to be eaten often to get the right amounts of fiber.

Fruits High in Fiber:

  • Apples
  • Rasberries/Blackberries
  • Raisins


  • Rye
  • Bran Flakes
  • Wheat Bread

Nuts and Seeds:

  • Almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts


  • Black beans(one of my favorites)
  • Pinto beans
  • Split peas


  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal
  • Shredded Wheat Cereal


  • Artichokes
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli

And the list goes on, but these foods are a sure bet to make you leaner and dramatically improve your efficiency at reaching your goals faster combined with weight training,cardio, and eating cleaner by eating foods higher in fiber like these above.

All of these high fiber foods above are around 5-10 grams per cup each so getting to 35 grams in a day is much easier to do.  Snacking on vegetables, nuts and seeds, and eating lots of fresh rasberries are the key. Avoid drinking any juices and eating the fresh, real foods to get the benefits they give.

Fitness models like me use subtle tips like these to focus on and subtle goes from subtle to huge and pronounced results.

I wouldn’t waste my time giving you any tips that aren’t worth it to me, only ones that really do work and are noticeable if done right in no time. Even though fiber is boring reading, it had to be said so that you know to use it and faster results for you guys.

Chuck Strogish

Home of the Bare Fit Gym Shirt, Made for Men and Ladies, a Sweat Proof T Shirt Made To Keep You Dry in the Gym Always. Order one now as a gift or for yourself, and save 20% off the top.

High Fiber Foods-Fitness Models Eat Them and Why You Should Too

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Don't Eat Alot of High Fiber Foods? Buy A fiber Drink Supplement Here

Don’t Eat Alot of High Fiber Foods? Buy A fiber Drink Supplement Here