Why Your Ab Workouts Aren’t Working As Good As You Thought

Sometimes when I am doing my ab workouts, I notice other people working hard at a goal but from seeing them consistently, they never seem to be making much changes. Besides genetics, which is about 10% of the pie, what are they doing wrong here?

As a professional fitness model, I don’t have a choice for my ab workouts to work or not, they have to work! And they always have because of the way I look at it, from experience, research, and trial and error.

You don’t have to do all that time I did, just read on now to view your ab workouts differently if what you are doing now doesn’t seem to work a whole lot.

Why Your Ab Workouts Aren’t Working  And How To Change It Now;

  • The actual ab workouts aren’t nearly as important as you think. Yeah, doing 3 sets of 20 crunches, leg raises, and exercise ball sit ups a few times a week will make your abs look more pronounced and engraved in you, no doubt.
  • But at that point, it’s all bonus. You already have done it right. What is the most important things to do to get to that point where the actual ab workouts are house money or bonus?
  • Step number one is you must set an environment for your ab workouts to do anything. I’m not into drugs or weed, but I know alot of people smoke it in the country. If someone was growing weed, do they just grow it randomly and hope for the best? Or do they set the perfect environment for it to work? Yep. They do all kinds of crazy stuff to allow it to grow properly. Like state of the art facilities are rigged up because they know what maximizes the results of growing their stuff. This is just an extreme example, but you get the idea. Setting the stage to let your ab workouts flourish is first done by drinking 1 gallon of water a day. This is absolutely huge. Eight 8 ounce glasses of water isn’t enough for fitness goals. For survival, sure. But you need a gallon daily to detox you, deliver nutrients right, and to give your body the proper environment to improve and see results.
  • Adding a few drops of green tea extract to the gallon will even be more effective because of the antioxidants and metabolism boosting properties in green tea extract.
  • Step 2 is to reduce anything that prevents your abs from wanting to show. Reduce sugar, carbs, and starch intake while trying to show your abs. If you eat carbs, stick to what works for a few weeks like brown rice, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes to maximize. The only time sugar is good to have is directly after weight training, try Amino Fuel liquid which gives you the perfect amount of protein, sugar, carbs, and amino acids to supercharge results. Drink 3 tablespoons or a mouthful after every workout. I don’t sell that stuff so you have to look it up. Or email me and I’ll help you find it for yourself. it’s easier than finding a meal after workouts.
  • Now that you did Step 1 to set the stage, and Step 2 to prevent messing up the stage with bad foods, now you can begin showing your abs faster with cardio. Walk at a faster pace 1 hour a day until your abs are showing greatly.
  • If you are doing these, now your ab workouts will come into play and work like magic. You can do abs 2-4 times a week now for 3 exercises of 3 sets of 20 and get rapid results. Why?
  • Because the right preparation is done to set the stage for results.
  • Try it, I promise it works fast if followed right. Try it for 7 straight days. You will see and feel that the changes are definitely coming.

Chuck Ryan Strogish

Bare Fit Sweat Proof T Shirt Fitness Model

How To Show Your Abs Faster

When talking about showing your abs faster, I’m going to let you in on what I know works. I been training for over 10 years and had to physically prep for over 100 paid fitness shoots. And the one important thing you always have to have is….yep….you guessed it, defined abs.

So what is the deal with why some people have em’ and some just don’t. I can tell you why right now.  Ready?

Those who don’t aren’t doing the right process away from the gym. Maybe they are in the gym, but what are you doing when you wake up and before you go to bed?  Everyone knows the routine of doing endless crunches, leg raises, and sit ups. Of course you gotta do those to maximize results, but what is the most important?

How to show your abs faster foods to start eating and the right amount of cardio:

Foods to Start Eating Today:

  • Blueberries
  • Rasberries
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Fresh fish
  • Plain sushi with brown rice or sashimi(however you spell)
  • Grilled chicken in salads or byself with a potato or brown rice
  • Lean steak with mixed vegetables
  • Only eat with moderate amounts of omega 3 butter. No other butters.
  • All vegetables
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Asparagus as a side with omega 3 butter
  • dark chocolate after weight training
  • Protein Shakes(without carbs unless right after training or in the morning for breakfast)
  • Eggs(use a yolk for every 4 eggs)
  • 1 gallon of water a day(drink as much water during a workout as possible)
  • a cup of hot tea before bed
  • sugar substitute or very minimal sugar

Foods to avoid like the plague if you want to show your abs faster

  • High carb/sugar/sodium meals(unless as a carb day which is good one day per week)
  • any drink that has large amounts of sugar or carbs
  • Bad fats like the fats in a big mac or chicken nuggets, not good fats like avacados, nuts, or omega 3 butter.
  • lots of salt like the sauce on general tsos chicken at a Chinese restaurant. This will bloat you. Eat low sodium foods and only sprinkle some table salt for sodium moderately to get the right amount of sodium levels.

There you have some substitutions to make when you go out to eat. make some subs right away in your diet and it will be huge. Still enjoy foods you like, it’s about making key decisions throughout the day. If you must drink soda, always drink diet soda. Not because it’s “healthier”, but because it doesn’t have added carbs and sugar. If healthy is the goal, just drink water. But for looks for your physique or figure, diet soda here and there isn’t gonna hurt your abs showing at all. Trust me.

Amount of cardio to do weekly to show your abs faster:

  • To start shedding fat, do at least 3 60 minute sessions of fast walking per week.
  • To show your abs the fastest, do 6 60 minute sessions per week, either after weight training, or first thing in the morning.
  • Do 2 exercises of ab workout choices twice a week doing 4 sets of 15 reps for each exercise. Pick between upper abs, lower, and obliques.

There you have it, simply add in these diet subs, and increase consistent cardio, while always drinking at least 1 gallon of water daily, your abs will come out in no time. Depends on how bad you want it and can follow these subs throughout each day. If you mess up, just accept it that day and start over the next. 5 successful days out of 7 for the week is a huge percentage increase over zero or 1 successful day.  Don’t be afraid to take a day once a week to eat what you crave or rest yourself. It’s just as important as strict training and dieting to how fast you want to show your abs.

Try it out or you can join for email contact for any questions you have.

Chuck Ryan Strogish

Fitness Model For Bare Fit